Experience and innovation are driving targeted treatment plans for skull base tumor patients at The James. Skull base tumors – growths that develop in or near the base of the skull — can affect patients’ vision, hearing and abilities to swallow, among other issues. To treat these tumors, experts at the OSUCCC – James are combining new techniques with years of research and care experience to improve outcomes through innovative treatments, including endonasal surgery, the removal of tumors through nasal passages. “This is a breakthrough because there are large tumors, and we're able to use the nasal passage to remove them, and we're able to do that in a minimally invasive way,” Daniel Prevedello, MD, says. The surgery is one of several options available to The James’ skull base tumor patients, who work with doctors to create personalized treatment plans that fit their unique circumstances. “We really try to customize care, not only with surgery but also with chemotherapy, radiation, everything that can be used to treat these tumors,” Prevedello says.