The bench-to-bedside approach of Comprehensive Cancer Centers connects patients with groundbreaking new treatments, providing the best therapies today while revolutionizing care in the future. “Comprehensive cancer care is critically important,” says David Cohn, MD, MBA, the chief medical officer of the OSUCCC – James. “The integration of our research and clinical teams improves outcomes of patients.” Learn more about the benefits of Comprehensive Cancer Centers. Among the top healthcare facilities in the nation, Comprehensive Cancer Centers like The James stand out for the cutting-edge research that conducted inside the facilities, leading to early access to innovative therapies for patients undergoing treatment in the hospitals. “Comprehensive Cancer Centers are recognized for their excellence in both research and clinical care delivery — both sides are able to influence the treatments that the patients are getting,” Cohn says. “Cancer treatment is a team sport. When you think about all of the components of that team, they go hand-in-hand to help us reach that goal of improving our patients’ lives.” Learn about cancer research at Ohio State.