Brian M Ahmer, PhD
Leadership Title: Professor
Academic Title: Professor in the College of Medicine
Colitis,Drug Development,Gastritis,Gastrointestinal Microbiome,Gastrointestinal Neoplasms,Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors,Infection,Inflammation,Inflammatory Bowel Diseases,Microbiota,Molecular Biology,Therapeutics
Academic Office:
460 W 12th Ave
Columbus, Ohio 43210-2210Phone:
614-292-1919Email: October 22, 2024
Identification of new SdiA regulon members of Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, and Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium and Typhi.
Schwieters A, Ahmer BMM
Microbiol Spectr
October 15, 2024Gut microbiota carbon and sulfur metabolisms support Salmonella infections.
Leleiwi I, Kokkinias K, Kim Y, Baniasad M, Shaffer M, Sabag-Daigle A, Daly RA, Flynn RM, Wysocki VH, Ahmer BMM, Borton MA, Wrighton KC
October 7, 2024Time-Resolved Multiomics Illustrates Host and Gut Microbe Interactions during Salmonella Infection.
Kim Y, Kokkinias K, Sabag-Daigle A, Leleiwi I, Borton M, Shaffer M, Baniasad M, Daly R, Ahmer BMM, Wrighton KC, Wysocki VH
J Proteome Res
September 10, 2024Time-resolved multi-omics reveals diverse metabolic strategies of Salmonella during diet-induced inflammation.
Kokkinias K, Sabag-Daigle A, Kim Y, Leleiwi I, Shaffer M, Kevorkian R, Daly RA, Wysocki VH, Borton MA, Ahmer BMM, Wrighton KC
May 20, 2023Exposing new taxonomic variation with inflammation - a murine model-specific genome database for gut microbiome researchers.
Leleiwi I, Rodriguez-Ramos J, Shaffer M, Sabag-Daigle A, Kokkinias K, Flynn RM, Daly RA, Kop LFM, Solden LM, Ahmer BMM, Borton MA, Wrighton KC