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Heather Pick Music Program

Learn about how the Heather Pick Music Program Fund supports a robust music program for the OSUCCC – James and its patients.

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Heather Pick Music Program

Heather Pick

Heather Pick was a beloved news anchor for WBNS 10-TV, as well as a wonderful singer and songwriter. In November of 2008, she passed away from breast cancer after a courageous battle, leaving behind a mourning community and a legacy of healing through music.


Music at The James

Ni Yan Playing Harp

The Heather Pick Music Program presents regular live musical performances featuring a diverse offering of musical styles and genres. The mission of the program is to use music as a means to create a healing environment and reduce discomfort, stress and anxiety for those affected by a cancer diagnosis. Patients, caregivers, staff and visitors can enjoy the performances throughout the week, which take place in The James lobby.

Performing Arts Channel – Channel 2 

On any TV in The James, including every patient room, you can access our 24-hour performing arts channel, Channel 2. The channel displays recorded Heather Pick Music Program performances, as well as warm and relaxing audio and visual, in a manner which we hope brightens your experience at The James. Each month, some of the Heather Pick Music Program performances will also be live-streamed to the rooms on this channel for those unable to attend lobby performances.

Ambulatory Sites

Music performances are also held at OSUCCC – James ambulatory sites such as OSU East, OSU Brain and Spine, the Gynecological Oncology Clinic at Mill Run, Martha Morehouse Medical Plaza and the Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center.

What you can do

If you would like to volunteer to perform in the Heather Pick Concert Series or as a MusicCare volunteer, fill out our participation form.

If you would like to donate to the program to ensure its continued growth and longevity, you can make a contribution.

For more information, please contact the Performing Arts Series team at

Performance Schedule – March

All performance in The James Lobby unless otherwise specified.
(*) Indicates 2 performances that day.
(!) Indicates 3 performances that day.
(J) indicates a performance at JOC/West Campus.
(SS) Indicates Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center.
(MM) Indicates Martha Morehouse.

Monday, March 3:

(*) Tuesday, March 4:
11am-Noon: Michael Lester, Classical Piano
(J) 12:20-1:20pm: Michael Lester, Classical Piano at JOC/West Campus

Wednesday, March 5:

Thursday, March 6:
2pm-3pm: Anna Leone

Friday, March 7:

Monday, March 10:
11am-Noon: Kristin Schoeff, Piano Classics

Tuesday, March 11:
11am-Noon: Michael Lester, Classical Piano

Wednesday, March 12:
Noon-1pm: Nancy Hughes, Folk/Soft Rock (Female songwriters)

Thursday, March 13:
11am-Noon: Lane Champa, Classical Violin

Friday, March 14:
Noon-1pm: Paul Beasley, 70’s Soft Rock

Monday, March 17:
3:30-4:30pm: Due Kapelle, Eugene Braig - Classical Guitar/Mandolin & Sheri Stanley Classical Guitar

(*) Tuesday, March 18:
11am-Noon: Michael Lester, Classical Piano
(J) 12:20-1:20: Michael Lester, Classical Piano

(*) Wednesday, March 19:
(J) 11am-Noon: Bill Donaldson, Jazz Piano at JOC
Noon-1pm: Dave Eidelberg, Acoustic Variety

Thursday, March 20:
11am-Noon: Columbus Koto Ensemble, Japanese Koto

Friday, March 21:
Noon-1pm: Dennis Smith and Band (A Few Good Friends)

Monday, March 24:
11am-Noon: Kristin Schoeff, Piano Classics

Tuesday, March 25:
11am-Noon: Michael Lester, Classical Piano

Wednesday, March 26:
Noon-1pm: Micah Kesselring, Blue Grass

(!) Thursday, March 27:
11am-Noon: Lane Champa, Classical Violin
(J) 12:20-1:30: Lane Champa, Classical Violin at JOC/West Campus
1pm-2pm: Blue Eyes Black, Blues

Friday, March 28:
11am-Noon: Matthew West, Classical Guitar

Monday, March 31:
11am-Noon: Tiffany Jones, Harp