Floor Backes, MD, professor in the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at Ohio State and member of the Cancer Control Program at the OSUCCC – James, has been elected as a board member for the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO). Dr. Backes will begin her term after the SGO Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer, which will unfold in hybrid format from March 18-21 in Phoenix, Arizona. With more than 2,000 members, the SGO is a global organization for gynecologic oncologists, medical oncologists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, patient advocates and others who work to prevent and treat gynecologic cancers with equity. As a gynecologic oncologist, Dr. Backes specializes in treating patients with ovarian, endometrial, cervical, vaginal, vulva and other gynecologic cancers. Her research focuses on novel treatments, clinical trials and predictors/biomarkers of patient outcomes.